***************************** Working with the Phoenix Grid ***************************** The Phoenix Grid is available via ftp at `ftp://phoenix.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/HiResFITS/`_. The current implementation of StarKit only works with the HiResFITS version of the Phoenix grid. Download the entire grid or portions of it. Then generate a database (it only saves the location of the files and the stellar parameters - not the grid itself):: from starkit.gridkit.io.phoenix.base import PhoenixSpectralGridIO grid = PhoenixSpectralGridIO('sqlite:///phoenix.db3', base_dir='/media/data1/grids/phoenix') where `phoenix.db3` is the filename for your database and `base_dir` needs to have all the `Z*` directories of the phoenix grid. To load the phoenix grid into a database (it will only save the parameters and a path to the file in the database):: grid.ingest() This will take some time so get a cup of coffee. After this the grid can be cut up and be made useable for working with Starkit by writing it to HDF5:: from starkit.gridkit.io.phoenix.base import PhoenixSpectralGridIO from starkit.gridkit.io.phoenix.alchemy import ParameterSet from astropy import units as u pgrid = PhoenixSpectralGridIO('sqlite:///phoenix.db3', '/media/data1/grids/phoenix') fluxes = pgrid.to_hdf('phoenix_mcsnr.h5', (ParameterSet.mh>-1.5, ParameterSet.teff.between(5000, 9000)), wavelength_range=(2000, 9000),R=10000, clobber=True) The syntax for the parameter filter uses the sqlalchemy backend.